Wrap Poker

Word type: poker slang A wrap is a straight draw in Omaha that has more outs than an open-ended or double-gutshot straight draw, between 9 and 20 possible outs.

  • Poker is a game of strategy. You'll need to constantly read the other players to decide when to hold 'em, when to fold 'em, when to bluff, and when to call s.
  • Non-standard poker hands are hands which are not recognized by official poker rules but are made by house rules.Non-standard hands usually appear in games using wild cards or bugs.Other terms for nonstandard hands are special hands or freak hands.Because the hands are defined by house rules, the composition and ranking of these hands is subject to variation.

In , a wrap is a straight draw with more than an open-ended straight draw (OESD). In other words, wraps are straight draws where you have more than 8 outs. The most powerful wrap draw typically has 20 outs.

EXAMPLE “I was holding A-3-4-5, and the board came K-6-7. This is said to have a “wrap”, as any 3, 4, 5 or 8, would complete a straight.”

Poker Wrap Around

WrapWrap Poker

You have to be careful with wrap draws, however, since you can be chasing the sucker end of a straight, and there is the possibility that another player is flushing.

This video discusses a handy PLO wrap hand calculator for figuring out the outs you have and the nut outs.

This Pot Limit Omaha app (Omaha Wrap Wizard) can be downloaded for iPhone / iPad devices.

Wrap Poker Omaha

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