Tips For Photographing Slot Canyons

  1. Tips For Photographing Slot Canyons Videos
  2. Tips For Photographing Slot Canyons National Park
  3. Tips For Photographing Slot Canyons Colorado

Canyonlands National Park is a wilderness of rock rivaling the Grand Canyon in richness and complexity. What makes the park special is the opportunity to view its red canyons from above and then travel into them relatively easily, experiencing the profound silence of some of the most remote terrain in the lower 48 states.

Slot canyons represent one of the most fascinating corners of our planet: the American Southwest. Sandstone, over millions of years, has been eroded by the power of water, creating deep, winding corridors. For anyone of any age with an explorative spirit, slot canyons are a playground. The two most iconic, and likely the most photogenic canyons in the world, are within a two-hour drive of each other. They are the Zion Narrows and Antelope Canyon.

  1. Photographing Upper and Lower Antelope Canyon: The following suggestions are gathered from repeat visits to the slot canyons. I hope to share some of my experiences I have gathered to help make your next visit more fun and productive. The slot canyons referred to as Upper or Lower Antelope Canyon are located in the Page, Arizona area.
  2. Antelope Canyon. Arguably the most beautiful slot canyon on this list, this is also the most popular.

Photo by Hikersbay Hikersbay

My name is Seth Hamel. I’m a professional landscape and adventure photographer working in the Zion National Park area. When I go into the Narrows by myself or with clients, the start time isn’t until 10 am or so, depending on the time of year. Many of the clients that I guide through the Narrows ask, “Can we start earlier? I want to make sure I’m in there for the best light.” With typical landscape photography, we want to get that early, glowing light on the features of whatever we’re photographing.

In slot canyons, however, the best light occurs mid-day on cloudless, sunny days. The best light is not direct sunlight hitting the walls of the canyon but rather reflected light. Reflected light occurs when bright, harsh, direct sunlight hits a canyon wall and reflects that light onto another wall. This is the type of light that produces rich, saturated, glowing colors in slot canyons. It’s important to keep even a peep of sky or direct sunlight out of your photos, as this produces blown out areas of your image and can produce a nasty haze near those areas. Naturally, there are exceptions to this rule, but they are uncommon.

The Zion Narrows and Antelope Canyon are significantly different canyons.

The Zion Narrows is the largest slot canyon in the world! Carved by the power of the Virgin River, the Narrows is a canyon where you hike in the river itself. Antelope Canyon is a dry canyon unless there has been recent rainfall. Due to the narrowness of this canyon and its large water gathering area during the monsoon season, this canyon has been carved by powerful raging flash floods. Because of the differences between these canyons, camera settings can vary with each.

To obtain professional quality images, a tripod is required. As a general rule, setting your ISO to 100 will give you crisp, printable images. In canyons, you typically want to have the entire scene in focus–no blurring of the foreground or background (again this is a general rule). In order to obtain such depth of field, set your aperture to a higher number. F/16, f/18 or f/22 is useful. From there, read your camera’s internal light meter and adjust your shutter speed in order to get the appropriate exposure. These settings are a safe bet for Antelope Canyon.

Photo by Dave Dollar

The Zion Narrows presents situations where controlling your shutter speed is the first priority. Due to the beautiful flowing water in this magnificent canyon, controlling what the flowing water looks like plays a major role in the artistic outcome of your image.

Good shutter speeds range from 1/2 of a second to 1/10 of a second. This requires some experimentation with different speeds of water flow and the effect you’re hoping to achieve. After setting the shutter speed, I would adjust my aperture and then the ISO. This can be a tricky balance. Having an experienced mentor in this situation is helpful.

Slot canyons are amazingly beautiful and awe-inspiring. They are candy lands for any level of photographer. Keep in mind that during rainy periods, slot canyons are very dangerous due to flash flooding. Be sure to do your research on flash flooding and weather conditions before you enter into these canyons. There have been numbers of fatalities in both of these canyons.

About the Author
Seth Hamel offers professional guiding and photography instruction in Zion National Park. Tracking the best light in the Zion Narrows throughout the year, you are guaranteed to have the opportunity to shoot some of the best scenes in the canyon. Learn more about available guided Zion photography opportunities at Along with artistic and technical instruction, you will be walking away with professional quality images that will be some of your favorite images from the desert Southwest.

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  1. Great article and very helpful!

    Question: I’m visiting the Antelope canyons in December. I know that they are very dusty so I don’t want to be changing lenses. I shoot with an APS-C sensor (Nikon D7000) so I’m wondering if you recommend a very wide angle lens (12-24) or my 18-200.

    Thanks for your input.

  2. Mario,
    I too have been there several times. The opportunities range from very wide to telephoto. A friend who shoots for Nat Geo carries two cameras bodies on a double rapid strap, with different lenses to prevent the dust situation and, in her case, to instantly have the lens she wants or needs for her photo agenda. Inside the canyon you will probably not have the instant need as opposed to people or animal shots, however you can make things easier if you have the options. I have used lenses there from a 15mm fisheye to a 100-400. The opportunities are almost endless. Some photographers set a challenge for themselves to do a series in some situation with only one lens ( usually one focal length and not a zoom) The choice is yours. If you take two photographers with the same lens and bodies in the same location, you will get two different series of photos unless they chose to shoot at the exact same object from the exact same location. Whatever your choice, it is a fantastic place and you will want to return. Don’t forget the other opportunities nearby, Horseshoe Bend, Lake Powell, etc. One more thing. The opportunities of shooting extend both before and after sunrise and sunset. Your exposure can make near dark look like daylight. Try shooting Navajo Mountain across Lake Powell after sunset while the earth’s shadow rises ( the terminator) in the sky behind the the peak. The magenta color of the shadow plus the soft lighting after sunset makes an interesting image and not one you see that often. Look at a lot of Antelope Canyon images before you go there and then look for other places to shoot as the opportunities to make unique images abound if you look for them. Have fun, I usually go to lower Antelope since it is not as commercialized.

  3. Steve–thanks so much for the helpful info. I only have one camera body now, but I will be in the area for two days, so I could always make second trips to the upper and lower canyons with different lenses. The lower canyon is at the top of my list because it is supposed to be less crowded.

    And, thanks for the tip re: Lake Powell and the other possibilities. I’m hoping for clear nighttime skies so I can get some night shots.

    Best wishes and thanks again!

  4. Try not to stick with a certain model.

  5. Both the article by Seth and the comments by Steve are very helpful. A question to Seth, for shooting inside the Upper Antelope Canyon, given a 16-35 f4 or a 24-70 f2.8 zoom on a 5D body, which lens would you prefer? Thanks.

  6. Hi guys!!

    Going to Zion this summer and planning on taking a few slot canyon pictures at peek a boo at Bryce. I own a 18-55 mm and a 70-300 mm lens and since dust is an issue, I am trying to avoid having to switch back and forward. What would your recommendation be in terms of which lens I should take?
    I am worried the 70-300 might be too close up and wouldn’t give me any room to shoot but I’ve never been to a canyon before so I have no clue on what the shooting distances might be.


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Photographing slot canyons is truly a unique experience. Not many places on earth are as magical and photogenic as these types of canyons, with endless compositional possibilities, colors, and textures to play with.

However, photographing slot canyons is not as easy as it looks; the lighting conditions, the limited space to shoot, and some other elements like dust, are factors that will test your skills.

In this slot canyon photography tutorial, I would like to highlight some specific tips about shooting in slot canyons that I’m sure will help you get back home with the best possible images.

General Tips for Slot Canyon Photography

• Although it sounds unnecessary to mention, it’s always good to remember to bring your most fundamental items for shooting slot canyons. Don’t forget to have both your DSLR / mirrorless camera and your tripod with you!

• Remember that GoPro cameras, compact cameras, will be more limited in low light conditions. As for the tripods, try to use a sturdy tripod to get your gear stable during your long exposures.

• Try not to change your lens once you enter a slot canyon. Inside these canyons, there is a tremendous amount of dust and changing your lens usually means ending up with dust in your camera sensor.

• In relation to the previous point, always carry in your pocket one or several microfiber cloths to clean the glass of your lens. You can use both alcohol cleansing wipes that are usually faster than traditional microfiber cloths. Don’t forget to keep wiping off the dust over your lens. Otherwise, in the scenes where there is a direct and strong source of light, these dust spots will ruin a large part of the image.

• If you’re shooting a slot canyon in a group, cooperation within the group is essential to move around, avoid people in your frame, and get different compositions. Remember to interact and talk with your colleagues to make the most of the experience.

Photography Gear

Tips For Photographing Slot Canyons

Having the right gear is fundamental for photographing slot canyons. Below you’ll find the essential gear for this type of photography:

Cameras – Any digital camera with interchangeable lenses is good for taking great pictures in slot canyons. However, keep in mind:

• Full-frame cameras usually capture a greater dynamic range, something crucial inside slot canyons. On certain occasions, you may have to raise the ISO, so cameras with these sensors generally perform better when shooting in low light conditions.

• APS-C cameras will be valid for shooting in this environment, but bear in mind the crop factor when choosing the type of lens that you will use inside the canyon.

Tips For Photographing Slot Canyons National Park

Lenses – As you shouldn’t change your lens inside slot canyons, it’s recommended to use a versatile lens to change the perspective easily.

• Choose a zoom lens instead of a prime lens.

• Your best bet is a wide-angle / ultra-wide-angle zoom (Focal length between 14mm and 35 mm) rather than a medium-focal zoom.

Photography taken with Nikon D800 (Full-frame) + Zoom Ultra-wide-angle 14-24 2’8

Tripod – I like taking a versatile tripod for shooting slot canyons. Some areas are very narrow, and having greater mobility is very important. The tripod must be sturdy to avoid any camera shakiness.

Lens Filters – Given the light conditions of the canyon it’s not necessary to use filters. There are certain scenes that will be high contrast between the lights and shadows where a graduated filter might seem useful, but remember that the space and dust of the canyon makes everything more challenging, so I don’t recommend using lens filters.

Tips For Photographing Slot Canyons

Batteries – Take one or two extra batteries in case you need them.

Remote trigger – When using a tripod, you can use a remote trigger to avoid vibrations. Following the need for mobility and quick action I recommend using the camera’s internal trigger in the 2-second mode, although this will depend on your personal preferences.

Photography Tips Inside Slot Canyons

Once you have the right gear, it’s important to know the basics for photographing slot canyons. Some of the most important are:


• Open your eyes and stop to see and think for a few seconds what elements you can photograph as you advance throughout the canyon. Take your time to look around for different compositions before you start shooting.

• Although there are some spots where either a vertical or horizontal composition is better, others can be photographed from both perspectives. If you have any doubt, try to shoot in both ways so you can choose to edit the one you like the most later.

Tips For Photographing Slot Canyons Colorado

• Slot Canyons are the perfect place to unleash your creativity, so also try to risk and shoot different compositions


Slot canyons are wide enough to focus at the hyperfocal distance and capture the entire scene with enough sharpness.

You can focus at the hyperfocal distance before entering the canyon and, once inside, don’t forget to set the focus on manual mode. *Remember that if you change your focal length, the hyperfocal distance will vary and you may have to readjust the focus.


Using the right settings will be essential for quality shots. Each slot canyon is different in terms of light, but below, you can check out some of the most common parameters as a reference.

ISO – Despite the darkness in certain areas of slot canyons, when using a tripod, you won’t find any problems using a low ISO. Depending on the circumstance, ISO 100 to ISO 400 will probably do the trick. In my case, ISO 200 is my go-to for slot canyons.

Aperture – You can use apertures between f/8 and f/11 with the intent of creating balance between speed and luminosity. If you’re shooting closer to one of the walls, you can close down your aperture even up to f/16, and increase the time to get a greater depth of field. An aperture of f/8 is a good starting point.

Shutter Speed – This is the most important setting to consider. Depending on the previous settings and the light conditions of each scene, you can set the shutter speed from 1/25 of a second to 3 seconds. Below you can see some examples:

• In general scenes where there isn’t any source of direct light in the composition, you can set a shutter speed between 1.6 and 3 seconds

• In general scenes where there is also a strong source of light, you can take more shots with a shorter shutter speed to do bracketing. I explain bracketing in a later part of this article.

• In slot canyons where there are halos and you want to capture all the details, you’ll have to set short times around 1/25 second. In these cases, you can also bracket your images to recover the shadows in the rest of the scene.

ISO 200, f/8.0, 1/40-second exposure.

• If you create sand falls in your slot canyon, you can set an exposure between 2.5 and 4 seconds to capture the motion.

Other Photography Techniques

When you want to shoot slot canyons, there are also other techniques that you can use to make the most of your gear and the scene:


The dynamic range inside slot canyons can be huge, with some areas of deep shadows and strong lights at the same time.
In these cases, it’s impossible to get a photo with all the lights and shadows correctly exposed in one shot.

To do bracketing:

• If your camera has this function, select the number of shots depending on the strength of the light. If the highlights are powerful, do not hesitate to set an extreme bracketing of even 5 or 7 shots.
• If your camera does not have this function, I would suggest exposing to the area with the strongest light in the scene, and from there start taking shots lowering the exposure little by little until you can capture the details in the shadows.

3-shot bracketing to cover the entire dynamic range.

Focus Stacking

Another technique to use in slot canyons is focus stacking. Through this technique, you can get closer to the walls of the canyon and get original compositions.

To do focus stacking:

• Set up your tripod, set the shutter speed, and open the aperture to the maximum allowed by your lens.
• Next, close the aperture to a high f-stop, such as f/16, and select the closest area to the lens.
• Focus either automatically or manually and shoot.
• Then continue to repeat this process in further areas of the scene until all the elements are sharp and on focus.
• Merge the different shots on Photoshop, and you will have an image with the greatest sharpness and definition.
• For this technique, I consider it very helpful to use the Live View mode and to focus automatically on different points of the scene.

Editing and Processing

Finally, don’t forget to edit your images according to your taste.
The editing and processing that you want to make in your images will depend on your personal preferences. Still, some tips that work well in general are to avoid over saturating the images, and follow a workflow that can extract all the details inside the canyon, both in the highlights and the shadows.


As you can see, photographing slot canyons is not as hard as it seems. All you need is to consider the right equipment, some basic settings, and the most important thing – enjoy the opportunity of shooting inside one of the most breathtaking natural wonders on our planet!

I hope this guide helps you in the future and you can shoot stunning photographs inside slot canyons.

Feel free to leave any questions in the comments.

About the author:
Dan Zafra is a passionate travel photographer and co-founder of the travel photography and photo tours website Capture the Atlas. To see more of his work, visit Capture the Atlas.

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  1. Note: After December 20, 2019, photo tours of Antelope Canyon will not be allowed. No monopods, no tripods, no controlled access to accomplish good shots

    It’s not clear that other canyons will have the same restrictions.

  2. I heard on the local Phoenix area news that there will be no more photo tours. Is this a permanent change or is it a period with no photography tours that they have periodically? One of the tour operator’s websites indicates no photography tours, but it isn’t clear if there are no more. Luckily, I was able to take a tour in March of 2017, when it happened to be unusually warm. There were 4-5 people scheduled for the tour, but I was the only one that showed up. It was great to have a private tour of such a magnificent place.

    In June of 2017 I took two photographers tours of Monument Valley, one sunrise, one sunset. Again, I was the only one to show up! Two more private tours. Wow!!!

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