Parking Slot Detection

Parking Slot Detection

CNRPark+EXT is a dataset for visual occupancy detection of parking lots of roughly 150,000 labeled images (patches) of vacant and occupied parking spaces, built on a parking lot of 164 parking spaces. CNRPark+EXT extends CNRPark, a preliminary dataset composed by 12,000 images collected in different days of July 2015 from 2 cameras.

December 2020

  1. Intelligent Parking tracker Using computer vision methods to detect cars and vacant spacesMy very first computer vision project titled, 'Detecting vacant spa.
  2. Based on pillar information. Finally, the detected parking slots and free spaces are fused at a high-level to produce more reliable detection results. Once a target space is designated among the detection results, the parking slot tracking procedure is conducted. The target position is continuously tracked.
Parking Slot Detection

tl;dr: Parking slot detection by detecting marking point with a CenterNet-like algorithm.

Overall impression

For my future self: Dataset is super important. Your algorithm is only going to evolve to the level your dataset KPI requires it to.

Parking Lot Detection

The algorithm only focuses on detecting the marking point detection and did not mention too much about the post-processing needed to combine the marking points to parking slot. It is more general in that it can detect more than T/L-shaped marking points.

The paper is very poorly written, with tons of sloppy annotation and non-standard terminology.

Key ideas

  • A coarse-to-fine marking point detection algorithm. Very much like CenterNet.
  • The regression also predicts the “vertex paradigm”. Basically it predicts the pattern of the connectivity among the marking points.
Parking slot detection device

Technical details

  • Annotated a dataset (~15k images). This is slightly bigger than PS2.0 dataset with 12k images.
  • The paper uses L2 loss to supervise the heatmaps and attributes. This is a bit strange as most studies uses focal loss for heatmap prediction and L1 for attribute prediction.

Geometric Features-based Parking Slot Detection


Parking Slot Detection Github

  • Questions and notes on how to improve/revise the current work