Operation Blackjack Telegraph

Operation Blackjack is a slideshow posted on England's Telegraph. No one has taken credit for posting it nor is there any logical explanation for it being there. It basically outlines the following steps in GRAPHIC detail: - Stage 1: Nuclear Terrorist Attack in London. Blackjack - Part 5 The final part of our fictional drama about a series of nuclear attacks and the formation of a western totalitarian government 13 February 2009. 15:42 pm.

  1. Operation Blackjack Telegraph Definition
  2. Operation Blackjack Telegraph Book
Jeffrey (2 Aug 2012)
'Operation Blackjack is NOT simply entertainment!!'

Operation Blackjack is a slideshow posted on England's Telegraph. No one has taken credit for posting it nor is there any logical explanation for it being there. It basically outlines the following steps in GRAPHIC detail:
- Stage 1: Nuclear Terrorist Attack in London
- Stage 2: Nuclear Terrorist Attacks in New York, Washington, Toronto, Mexico City, Los Angeles and Portland
- Stage 3: Unelected world leader put into place with One World Government
- Stage 4: Clamp down on all citizens, including RFID Marks being implanted in all
Note that the slides contain the disclaimer that, 'The events portrayed here are imaginary'. However, Part 4 of the slide show hints at the serious nature of this slideshow!! Image 14 of Part 4 illustrates the 'Mark' code that they will force those left behind to take:
Blackjack - Part 4 - Telegraph
The 'Mark' code for this 'sample individual' reads as follows:
74686973206973206e6f742073696d706c7920656e74657274 61696e6d656e74
Seems innocent enough, right? WRONG. This is Hexadecimal String, a code used by computers that use 2 separate 8 bit bites to represent the characters in our alphabet. For example, the number 74 would be equal to a 't' and 69 would be equal to an 'i'.
So when you use a standard on-line Hexadecimal String converter and enter in this 'innocent code':
Convert Hexadecimal To String Online
This is what the 'Mark' said:
this is not simply entertainment
Fascinating, is it not!! Thank the Lord that He will take us, His Bride, off this decrepit planet before the NWO can implement this.
It is obvious the NWO has a sense of humour and are 'clever'. However, it is a dark humour and they are clever like the devil. The Lord will punish them greatly at the end!! Praise the Lord forever!!

Operation Blackjack Telegraph

Operation Blackjack Telegraph Definition

Blessings, Jeffrey

Operation Blackjack Telegraph Book