Casino Blackjack Tips And Tricks

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  1. Casino Blackjack Tips And Tricks To Play
  2. Casino Blackjack Tips And Tricks Free
  3. Casino Blackjack Tips And Tricks

Despite being one of the simplest games in the casino, there’s a range of blackjack strategy tips that you can learn to improve your chances of winning. While there are hundreds of betting charts available online that give precise instructions for when to hit or stay during a game, this guide will focus on more general blackjack tricks. From knowing when and when not to split a pair, when to double down, and the difference between soft and hard hands, we’ve got you covered!

Before we start, it’s important to remember that there are no fool-proof tips for winning at blackjack, just tips that can improve your knowledge of the game and put you in a better position to win. Equally, to understand the nuances of the game, it’s vital to have a fundamental knowledge of blackjack rules!

Learn to Split Your Pairs

Splitting pairs is one of the easiest blackjack tips to overlook, which is unfortunate because if used effectively splitting your cards can be very beneficial. As the name might suggest, the basic principle of splitting pairs is to divide a pair of cards (two Aces, for example) into two separate hands. However, if you decide to do this, you must match the bet on the new hand with the one you placed on the original hand. As with most blackjack secrets, there are some downsides. While splitting a pair isn’t advisable in every situation, there are some hands when it is almost essential:

Equally, there are blackjack tips for pairs that you should never split:

Double Down When the Time is Right

Like other blackjack tips, doubling down is often neglected in favour of playing safe. So, what is double down in blackjack? When you double down, you double your existing wager and receive one additional card, as opposed to the multiple cards you can hit in regular play. If used successfully it can be a very profitable move. However, as with some blackjack tricks, you may or may not be allowed to double down depending on the value of your original hand so it’s always good to check before you play. For example, some casinos may not let you double down on 11 as their advantage is reduced.

To double down in a casino you can inform the dealer of your intention by adding the extra chips to your original bet. It is also recommended that you verbally confirm that you’re doubling down so there isn’t any confusion when the cards are drawn. As with splitting pairs, there are some situations where it is highly advised that you double down:

Learn How to Play a Hard Hand

Casino Blackjack Tips And Tricks To Play

What is a hard hand in blackjack? This is important – knowing the difference between a soft and hard hand is one of the most important blackjack tips, as both types of hands can be played in different ways. Essentially, a hard hand is one that does not contain an Ace. For example, if you were dealt a 10 and a three, you’d have a hard 13.

A hard hand is categorised as a hand that can bust in one hit. While four and three are technically a hard hand, it cannot be busted in one hit, whereas a hard 13 hand could be busted quite easily. Therefore, hard hands are generally riskier to have.

Understand How to Play a Soft Hand

Now, what is a soft hand in blackjack? A soft hand is one that does contain an Ace. For example, if you have an Ace and a two, this would be a soft 13.

Unlike a hard hand, a soft hand cannot bust in one hit, as the Ace can be valued as either one or 11 – meaning you can only improve your hand. For instance, if you were dealt an Ace and a five, you’d have 15. If you hit and receive a 10, the Ace would become a one and your total would be 16. Because of this safety net, having a soft hand is more favourable than having a hard hand.

Now that you’re up-to-date with our blackjack tips, why not put them to use in one of our online games?

Popular in both traditional and online casinos, blackjack provides an opportunity for those who have a good strategy to win a lot of money. When playing online, you don’t have a chance to read the faces of other players to guess at what they have hidden. However, that doesn’t mean you can’t still strategize effectively and win often. Here are some tips for people who want to play the odds at blackjack and win as often as they possibly can.


Casino blackjack tips and tricks without

Know When to Split

If you have two cards of the same type, you can split them. Doing so requires a higher bet, but also improves your chances of winning if you pick your opportunities wisely. The key to splitting is remembering that more than 30% of the deck has a card with a value of 10—four each of tens, jacks, queens, and kings, for a total of 16 out of 52 cards. With that knowledge in your favor, splitting makes sense if adding 10 to the cards would create a hand that is difficult to beat. Even in online casinos, the dealer stands at a hand of 17 or higher. That means that a pair of 8s is a good time to split, since you are likely to get at least one 18. The same is true of splitting aces. However, splitting 6s means increasing the likelihood of a bust. Splitting 10s might seem tempting, but 20 is already a strong hand and you are better off standing.

Find out when to split in Blackjack in our guide. Also, check out this table for helpful splitting in blackjack tips:

Don’t Count Cards

Many people embrace the idea of counting cards as conventional wisdom when it comes to playing blackjack. The concept makes sense—if you keep track of 10s and aces in the deck, for example, you can predict with accuracy how likely you are to hit 21 or go bust. However, online casinos make it impossible to keep track of cards and deck changes. Unless you play a live version of blackjack where you can see the dealer, you can’t know when the virtual dealer changes decks. This makes counting cards unreliable at best and a waste of time at worst. It is better for you to play the odds based on the hands you can see rather than guess when a deck change last occurred.

Watch the Dealer’s Hand

Casino Blackjack Tips And Tricks Free

When you decide what bet to make or whether you should hit or stand, take the dealer’s situation in account. If the dealer has a five or six showing, you know a hit is coming because the dealer has to hit on anything under a 17. Given the odds of drawing a ten or a face card, this means that there is a good chance that the dealer will bust—which means that you win as long as you don’t bust yourself. In these situations, if you have a soft hand that can’t go over 21 on the next card, feel free to hit to bolster your chances of winning. Otherwise, it’s better to stand. It may feel odd to stand on a 14, but if you suspect that the dealer has a 16, there’s no point in risking going bust yourself.

Know the Probabilities

With every hand you receive, keep the odds of going bust in mind. Your chance of a bust begins at 0% for a hand of 11 or under. In these cases, you should always take one more card. From 12 to 14, the chance of a bust on your next card is 31% on a 12, 39% on a 13, and 46% on a 14. In most of these situations, it is safe to take another card, but there is always a risk of a face card ruining your hand. Odds of going bust increase past 50% after that—to 58% on a 15, 62% on a 16, 69% on a 17, 77% on an 18, 85% on a 19, and 92% on a 20. You don’t need to memorize these numbers, but do keep them in mind. The higher up you go, the more risk you take when you hit. It’s usually worth the risk to hit on a 15 or 16 if the dealer has a seven or higher showing, but you are playing a losing proposition if you make a habit of hitting with a high hand.

Play the Long Game

These tips will lead you to adopt a sound blackjack strategy, but any given hand can turn into a statistical anomaly. The problem that some people run into is that they win big when taking a risky decision like hitting on a 17 or splitting a pair of 10s and adopt that as a winning strategy. Blackjack is a game designed to favor the house over a long enough period of time. This means that a few anomalies are acceptable, because the house knows it can get the money back. You can beat the house at this game if you rely on sound strategy and view games as a whole rather than letting one good or bad hand define how you make your decisions.

If you have a big bonus from an online casino and want a fun way to spend it, some time at the virtual blackjack tables can do the trick. Just remember the tips and tricks outlined here. They will make the difference between winning some money with your bonus and losing both your bonus money and the deposit that got you there.

Casino Blackjack Tips And Tricks

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