Blackjack Hit Or Stand Chart

Taking a look at the basic blackjack strategy guide, you will start to notice general patterns on where exactly to stand and hit. For instance, you will always hit when your hand value is below 11 and will always stand when your hand value is 17 or higher, unless you have a soft hand.


Hit: Take another card. Afterwards you will have the option again to either hit or stand. If you go over 21 you will be bust and your hand will lose. Double: You will be offered this normally if you have 9, 10, 11, or any ace. If you click double your stake will now be doubled, so in the example above my bet will be £10. Blackjack, formerly also Black Jack and Vingt-Un, is the American member of a global family of banking games known as Twenty-One, whose relatives include the British game of Pontoon and the European game, Vingt-et-Un. It is a comparing card game between one or more players and a dealer, where each player in turn competes against the dealer. Players do not compete against each other.

Blackjack is one of the most popular table games in the world and the choices made by the player make all the difference between winning and losing.

Our blackjack trainer helps players make sure they have memorized the basic strategy chart such that the casino advantage is minimized. In fact, if the player counts cards then the odds can even switch such that the player is favored instead of the casino!

Blackjack hit or stand charts
  1. To ensure our trainer works effectively, update the menus under Chart Choices and Other Choices above, or use our default settings.
  2. To begin, press the Deal button.
  3. Observe your two cards and the Dealer's card.
  4. Press the Hit, Stand, Double, Split or Surrender button.
  5. You may have to select multiple actions per hand. For example, you may need to Hit your hand multiple times.
  6. Eventually the player is done hitting/splitting and the hand ends by pressing the Stand button.
  7. Press Deal to begin a new hand and repeat steps #3 to #6.

If you discover any problems with our Blackjack Strategy Trainer, please report all bugs using our Contact Form, thank you!

By Ion Saliu, Founder of Blackjack Mathematics

You look first at your first two cards. If the cards are not pairs OR do not sum up to a count of 9, 10, or 11, then you move on to the hit or stand situations. These are the frequent blackjack situations. The color of action is red — it makes it very intuitive to learn the rules of casino blackjack. If the color of the cell is red, you hit. For example, your first two cards total 12. The blackjack dealer's up card (face card) is 7 (or higher). Signal hit (or draw) immediately to the dealer (by scratching the table). If the dealer's face card were 6 or under, but not 2 or 3, you do NOT hit, but stand (stay). The color of the respective cell is grayed out (signifying no action). One important thing to be mindful of: The casino gets the house edge at blackjack by virtue of simultaneous busts. The Player busts firsts — and therefore pays immediately. If the Dealer would bust during the same round of cards, the Player does not get his/her money back (although it was a push!)

The chart is a graphic (hit-stand.gif). You can right-click on it and select to print it — always in color!

  • The most important aspect of gambling mathematics, casino gambling especially, is record keeping. The streaks are the most important parameter in gambling. The infamous gambler's fallacy is the only counterpoint employed by casinos: Player will lose forever . . . but not the house! You might want to do the real mathematics of streaks by running my software, Streaks.

• Always stand on 17 or greater.
• Always split A+A and 8+8.
• Never split 10+10 and 5+5 (unless you seeing Ion Saliu playing that way).

    Blackjack: Software, Content, Resources, Systems, Basic Strategy, Card Counting

    See a comprehensive directory of the pages and materials on the subject of blackjack, software, systems, and basic strategy.

    Of major interest: Blackjack, Black Jack: Basic Strategy, Card Counting; Charts & Tables, Probability, Odds, Software.

  • Blackjack Split Pairs Basic Strategy Table.
    Color-coded chart to learn the best Split Pairs strategy. When you get your first two cards, look at this table first. The pairs occur the least in a blackjack game. If your hand is not a pair, move to the next chart: Double Down.
  • Blackjack Double Down Strategy Table.
    Color-coded chart to learn the best Double Down strategy. After consulting the Split Pairs table, look next at this table. The Double Down situations occur more often than pairs at blackjack. If your hand is not a Double Down situation, move to the next chart: Hit or Stand.
  • The Best Blackjack Basic Strategy: Free Cards, Charts.
    All three color-coded charts in one file, in the best decision-making sequence: Split Pairs, to Double Down, to Hit or Stand.
  • Blackjack Basic Strategy: Free Card, Table, Chart, Spreadsheet: Split Pairs; Double Down; Hit Stand.
    The traditional method of learning the Basic Strategy: all decisions in a table. The dealer up card is listed across (horizontally), while the player's first two cards are listed vertically in the leftmost column. For example, dealer's up card is 5. Player's first two cards: A+4; the right move: D (Double Down). It makes it somehow more difficult to learn the best decisions.
  • Download Casino Gambling Software: Blackjack, Roulette, Baccarat.

Hit Or Stay Blackjack


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